Control Horario by Reskyt

by Reskyt SL



The Schedule Control App allows you to easily configure all employees and control their work times, overtime, permits, vacations, leave, etc.The configuration of the App is based on permissions that can be activated or not, including the following:-Manage multiple companies from the same App.-Multiple times can be managed in one day to control departures from the workplace (breakfast, smoking, etc.).-Possibility of obtaining the geolocation of an employee at the entrance and exit of his job.-Possibility of allowing to start or end the Time Control only from a specific or several IP.-Possibility of allowing to start or end the Time Control from a specific location or from a radius of this location.-Possibility of authorization of modification of the data made by the same employee on a given day or on any date.-Possibility of viewing the data by an employee on the day of the Time Control or on previous days.-Possibility of generating PDF, for sending to the Supervisor or for employees at the end of the month.-Alarms-Push notifications. Reminder for employees who have not signed in at their usual times of entry and exit.- Daily delivery of absences of any kind via email to the Supervisor for approval or to make changes directly from the email itself with a single click.Soon the App will be connectable to beacons, devices that placed in strategic points of the company automatically sign without having to access the App.All the information generated can be consulted by computer, mobile or PDF sending or printing.At the consultation level, all the information of all employees will be accessible to the Supervisor for 4 years. An employee will be able to visualize his data during a period of 4 years.We are the only company that offers the possibility of creating an exclusive Time Control App for agencies, companies or associations, with the possibility of sending notifications addressed to your group of customers.